Gender and Work

Officers and members


Marie Laberge, Professor and researcher

University of Montreal – Parc Building

Faculty of Medicine

Rehabilitation School – Occupational Therapy

C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-ville, Montreal (QC) H3C 3J7  CANADA

Sainte-Justine University Hospital Centre (UHC)

Technopôle en réadaptation pédiatrique (CRME)

5200 rue Bélanger East, Montreal (QC) H1T 1C9 Canada


Christelle Casse, University Lecturer

Institut d’Études du Travail de Lyon (IETL)

Environnement Ville Société (EVS) – UMR 5600

86 rue Pasteur -F69365 Lyon Cedex 07 FRANCE


Past chairs:

2006-2009: Karen Messing

2009-2015: Rima Habib

2015-2018: Sandrine Caroly


Honorary Member:

Catherine Caillou-Teiger



  1. To advance understanding of the interactions between gender, sex and the science and practice of ergonomics.
  2. To advance understanding of gender issues in the context of work, in relation to the science and practice of ergonomics.
  3. To enhance the contribution of the science and practice of ergonomics to equal access of men and women to economic, physical and psychological well-being.


Latest Reports

Gender and Work TC Semi-annual report June-2024

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TC Activity Report 2015-2018

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Technical Report 2009-2015

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2006-2009 Gender and Work Triennial Report

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2007-2008 Gender and Work Report

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List of members

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