Polskie Towarzystwo Ergonomiczne (PTErg)

Polskie Towarzystwo Ergonomiczne (PTErg)

Narbutta 85, 02-524 Warsaw
tel. (48) (22) 234 8202
E-Mail : sekretariat@ergonomia-polska.com
Website : http://www.ergonomia-polska.com

Prof. Jerzy Lewandowski (President and Council Memeber)

Prof. Ewa Górska (Vice President)

Iwona Grabarek, PhD, Associate Professor (The Secretary-General)

Iwona Grabarek (PTERg representative in IEA)

Recent Activities

Polish Ergonomics Society (PES) is an interdisciplinary scientific organization for development and popularization of Ergonomics in Poland. It is the most recognized ergonomics organization in Poland that collects professionals from different scientific areas like engineers, industrial designers, doctors, biologists, anthropologists, economists, lawyers and IT experts. Dominating groups are employees of universities, research institutes, National Labour Inspectorate and manufacturing enterprises.
PES was founded on 16th of May 1977 in Warsaw by 214 founder members – the enthusiasts of research and widespread use of ergonomic rules in practice.
PES consists of Central Management and 13 field offices. Society consists of 283 members including: 100 regular members, 11 certified Eur.Erg., honorary members, retired professionals, students and Ph.D. students.

PES aspires to realize the aims set in the charter through:
1. Inspiring and supporting scientific, implementation and invention activities in the area of ergonomics,
2. Giving support to the activities concerning implementation of scientific achievements into industrial and social practice,
3. Inspiring and supporting actions that concern ergonomic education for students and employees form all sectors of national economy,
4. Spreading and popularizing ergonomic knowledge among the society, especially in elementary schools and universities,
5. Cooperation with Polish Academy of Sciences and other institutes as well as industrial and social organizations such as Polish Association of Occupational Medicine, National Labor Inspectorate,
6. Cooperation with foreign and international organizations in order to exchange experience and present achievements of Polish ergonomics,
7. Organizing conferences, scientific sessions, symposiums, lectures, readings, seminaries and meetings,
8. Initiating publications concerning ergonomics in national and foreign media as well as in scientific publishing houses,
9. Performing publishing activities
10. Performing consulting activities as well as giving opinion and conducting expert appraisements,
11. Conducting and auspice of trainings
12. Assuring the knowledge and competences of professional ergonomists with certification and certificates
13. Influencing the scope and content of curriculums, trainings and improvements in the area of ergonomics.

Selected examples of PES activities:
• organization of periodic conferences and seminaries concerning: ergonomics in management, architecture, medical care, agriculture, forestry, ergonomics for academic tutors, ergonomics for the disabled,
• membership and cooperation with IEA, FEES, CREE, Foundation for Professional Ergonomics – Ewa Górska is an FPE ambassador,
• creation of National Assessment Board (2010) used in the certification proces for CREE Euro Ergonomists,
• works on implementation of product ergonomic quality certificate issued by PES,
• PES representatives in Labour Protection Council at Polish Parliament and Scientific Association Council at Polish Academy of Sciences,
• Popularization of safe and ergonomic working conditions via organization of „Ergonomics Day” at schools and manufacturing sites,
• Preparation of ergonomics teaching evolution in national and private universities in Poland between 2007 – 2017.