17th April, 2024, 1 pm UTC /GMT (1400 CET)
The goal of this on-line webinar series is to bring you perspectives on the envisaged challenges arising from the Future of Work for HFE from around the World. In this webinar we will be hearing about the future of work from France and the challenges that this raises for HFE.
Agnes Aublet-Cuvelier
Agnes initially worked as an occupational physician in an inter-company occupational health service, at the same time working as a doctor at the university hospital centre in Nancy, both in epidemiology and dermatology (occupational dermatoses). She joined INRS (the French national institute for safety and health at work) in 2000 as a researcher on musculoskeletal disorders prevention in the Working Life Department. She became the head of the Biomechanics and Ergonomics Laboratory in the same department in 2008, and then head of the department in 2013. Since 2021, she has been Deputy Director of studies and research at INRS.
Fabien Coutarel
Fabien is an ergonomist, academic teacher and researcher at the Université Clermont Auvergne where he is an associate professor. He runs the UCA’s master’s degree in ergonomics, which aims to train generalist ergonomists. He is deputy director of his laboratory and head of the ‘Technology, Activity and Design’ research programme. Fabien’s research focuses on the prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders, the evaluation of ergonomic interventions, and the design of systems incorporating emerging technologies that support the development of work and workers.
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