Executive Committee

Aleksandra Gamper

IEA Office Administrator office (at) iea.cc

Andrea Wittenbecher

Swiss Director, Swiss Ergonomics Society

Prof. José Orlando Gomes

Immediate Past President * Awards Standing Committee, Chair PastPres (at) iea.cc

Ben Peachey

IEA2027 Congress Organizing Committee, Chair b.peachey(at)ergonomics.org.uk

Prof. Verena Nitsch

Professional Standards and Education Standing Committee, Chair PSEChair (at) iea.cc

Prof. Wei Zhang

Development and Promotion Standing Committee, Chair DPchair (at) iea.cc

Prof. Martin Rodriguez

Communications and Public Relations Standing Committee, Chair CPR (at) iea.cc

Prof. Rosemary (Rose) Seva

Science, Technology & Practice Standing Committee, Chair STPChair(at)iea.cc