The IEA Council, made up of representatives of all of the Federated Societies, elects the officers of the IEA for a three year term at a meeting in conjunction with  the IEA Triennial Congress. All elected officers have experience as a representative of a Federated Society. The officers work on an honorary basis and are responsible for the appointment and coordination of the Chairs of the Standing Committees and the day to day management of the IEA. The President may appoint ad hoc committee chairs for specific tasks . The IEA Executive is made up of the elected officers, the chairs of the six standing committees and the ad hoc chairs. The administrative tasks of the IEA are assisted by an Administration Officer, who is engaged by the elected officers.

Prof. Andrew Thatcher

President president(at)

Prof. Nancy Black

Vice-President & Secretary General VPSG(at)

Prof. Thomas Alexander

Vice-President & Treasurer VPTreas(at)

Prof. Anindya K. Ganguli

International Development Standing Committee, Chair IDChair (at)

Prof. Takashi Kawai

CPE, ICT Director ICTdirector (at)

Prof. Rosemary (Rose) Seva

Science, Technology & Practice Standing Committee, Chair STPChair(at)

Prof. Martin Rodriguez

Communications and Public Relations Standing Committee, Chair CPR (at)

Prof. Wei Zhang

Development and Promotion Standing Committee, Chair DPchair (at)

Prof. Verena Nitsch

Professional Standards and Education Standing Committee, Chair PSEChair (at)

Ben Peachey

IEA2027 Congress Organizing Committee, Chair b.peachey(at)

Prof. José Orlando Gomes

Immediate Past President * Awards Standing Committee, Chair PastPres (at)

Dr. Masaaki Mochimaru

Advisory Group on Standardisation, Chair  

Andrea Wittenbecher

Swiss Director, Swiss Ergonomics Society

Aleksandra Gamper

IEA Office Administrator office (at)


It has been reported that our members have been receiving phishing emails which fraudulently represent the IEA officers by using their email addresses (often misspelt), signatures and names. Such emails often ask to approve payments, make money transfers or disclose your personal data. IEA officers will never write to any of our members by email with such requests. If you receive such a message, please delete it immediately and do not reply.