
The IEA/Kingfar Award for Research in Human Factors / Ergonomics Issues (The IEA/Kingfar HFE Research Award”) is granted annually to early career professionals to promote and reward high-quality original research and applications on new and emerging HFE issues or issues specifically related to industrially developing countries, as well as to promote a career path in HFE. Nominees can be from any country including both IDCs and developed countries. Up to 13 winners can be recognised each year, with 8 awards given to PhD students, and 5 awards to early career scholars/researchers (within 10 years of completing a PhD). The award amount is $1,000 for each selected student and $1,500 for each selected early career researcher.


  • The submitted research achievement should address new and emerging HFE issues or issues typical of IDCs, which is proved by submitted evidentiary documents. All areas of HFE are acceptable.
  • Nominees may be PhD students or early career researchers (within 10 years of completing a PhD).
  • For student nominees:
    • The submitted research achievement should have been accomplished by the nominated student prior to graduation from a doctoral program.
    • The nominee is a registered doctoral student or a doctoral candidate. Recent graduates who were awarded a doctoral degree within the past year may also be nominated for the student award.
  • For early career researchers:
    • The submitted research achievement should have been accomplished by the nominee within 10 years of PHD graduation
    • The submitted achievement should be part of a programmatic research plan, geared toward a career in HFE
  • The nominee must have made a major contribution to the submitted research achievement, preferably the first or corresponding author of evidentiary technical document(s) – See Nomination Process shown below.
  • The nominee is a member of an IEA Federated or Affiliated Society, or a self-recommending individual whom an IEA federated or affiliated society agrees to nominate. It is suggested that the federated or affiliated society promote ways to associate students to enable applications.

Note, the IEA Award Committee may examine the eligibility and decline the application before detailed technical evaluation.


Nomination process for the IEA/Kingfar Award

  • The nomination must be made to IEA through an IEA federated or affiliated society. A society may nominate up to 3 candidates.
  • The following evidentiary documents should be combined into a single pdf file, and sent to the Chair of the Awards Standing Committee ([email protected]), the Vice President, Secretary General ([email protected]), and the IEA Administrator ([email protected]).  The deadline for nominations is June 30, 2025.

Please specify clearly whether the nomination is for the IEA/Kingfar Student Award or the IEA/Kingfar ECR Award.

  • A letter of nomination from the nominating society that justifies the quality of the nominee’s research. Relevance to new and emerging HFE issues or issues relevant in IDCs should be clearly stated in a specific paragraph. The quality of submitted research achievement should be clearly mentioned;
  • Full copy of journal/conference paper(s), and/or design(s) with explanations, and/or project report(s);
  • The nominee’s curriculum vitae or résumé, which must include references of background and/or present training in the HFE domain. The nominee’s current mailing and email address should be included.
  • A statement of the nominee’s status with supporting evidence (e.g., student ID, graduation certificate, employment or job title).
  • A letter of recommendation from the nominee’s academic adviser or supervisor on the institution’s letterhead, which justifies the HFE contribution, certifies the nominee’s contribution, and describes the nominees’s status at the time of submitting the nomination. The letter may encompass other features judged relevant to the decision of nomination.

Note: The official language is English


Congratulations to the recipients of the IEA/Kingfar award winners!  These early career researchers have demonstrated superior contributions to the field of Human Factors/Ergonomics – they are on the path to great accomplishments in our field.


Early career researchers:

  1. Geetashree Bori (India)
  2. Yaqin Cao (China)
  3. Peng Liu (China)
  4. Farzan Sasangohar (USA)
  5. Mark Schall (USA)


  1. Mingming LI (China)
  2. Italo Rodeghiero Neto (Brazil)
  3. Claudia Maria Dias Guerra Disconzi (Brazil)
  4. Lucas Gomes Miranda Bispo (Brazil)
  5. Ezekiel Bernardo Philippines (Philippines)


Early career researchers:

  1. Stephven Kolose (New Zealand)
  2. Augustine Acquah (South Africa)
  3. Jonathan Davy (South Africa)
  4. Daniel Moura (Brazil)
  5. Julio Bispo (Brazil)


  1. Subhankar Banerjee (India)
  2. Yotam Sahar (Israel)
  3. Carlos Galindo (Peru)
  4. Hiroyuki Kuraoka (Japan)


  • Akram Sadat Jafari Roodbandi, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Iran
  • Jiawei Fu, Department of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University, China
  • May Jorella Lazaro, Interdisciplinary Program of Cognitive Science at Seoul National University, South Korea
  • C. Vigneshkumar, Department of Design at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
  • Yidan Dong, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health. Peking University
  • Lakhinder Pal Singh of National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar


  • Dandan Hou (Chinese Ergonomics Society)
  • Ehsan Garosi (Iran Ergonomics Society)
  • Graciela Rodríguez (Sociedad de Ergonomia de Mexico)
  • Gurdeep Singh (Indian Society Ergonomics)
  • Mirella Tonetto (Brazilian Ergonomics Society)
  • Nilakshi Yein (Indian Society Ergonomics)
  • Shaoying Hu (Chinese Ergonomics Society)
  • Wyke Kusmasari (Indonesian Ergonomics Society)


  • Qing-Xing Qu, Chinese Ergonomics Society
  • Guillermina Andrea Peñaloza, Associação Brasileira de Ergonomia
  • Natália Ransolin, Associação Brasileira de Ergonomia
  • Viviana Maura dos Santos, Associação Brasileira de Ergonomia
  • Vibha Bhatia, Indian Society of Ergonomics
  • Elaine Aives de Carvalho, Associação Brasileira de Ergonomia
  • Abdulazeez Uba Muhammad, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia
  • Carlos Viviani Gonzalez, Chilean Ergonomics Society


  • Gilbert J. Huber, Associação Brasileira de Ergonomia
  • Liuxing Tsao, Chinese Ergonomics Society
  • Mengli Yu, Chinese Ergonomics Society
  • Rodrigo Arcuri Marques Pereira, Associação Brasileira de Ergonomia