The IEA, in collaboration with Scientific Association Hospital & Clinical Risk Managers (HCRM), the Italian Ergonomics and Human Factors Society (SIE), and the Italian Agency for Healthcare Services (Agenas) is promoting a call for the collection of stories related to the health emergency following the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic.
The “Storytelling COVID-19” project aims to promote the use of digital resources which in recent months have been developed to tell the story of the ongoing health emergency. It will be a participatory and artistic project that consists in giving space to creativity through images, videos, and sounds on the pandemic theme.
The deadline for the competition has been extended to 30 September 2020. Participants can be health workers from any of the countries affected by the Pandemic.
To share your story see the competition rule downloadable at:
rules for storytelling competition and use the submission template for storytelling competition and return it to Sara Albolino, IEA Vice President and Secretary-General, at [email protected] and [email protected]