2024 will be a banner year for IEA Awards. We expect to present 8 different IEA Triennial Awards as well as the annual IEA Fellow Awards, IEA/Tsinghua Awards, and IEA/Kingfar Awards for students and early career researchers. In 2024 we will make the first presentation of the Thomas Waters Memorial Award, a new award for students.
Please check this list of awards carefully and nominate colleagues, students, and early career researchers who deserve to be recognized.
~ The IEA Fellow Award is intended to honour distinguished long-serving members of IEA Member Societies.
~ The IEA/Kingfar Award for Research in Human Factors/Ergonomics Issues honours students and early career researchers. Its intent is to reward high-quality original research and applications on new and emerging HF/E issues or issues specifically related to industrially developing countries. This award includes monetary prizes of US $1,000 for student awardees and US $1,500 for ECR awardees.
~ The IEA/Tsinghua Award for Collaborative Human Factors/Ergonomics Education honours leaders and facilitators of collaborative, programmatic HF/E education initiatives. This award includes a monetary prize of US $4,000 for each selected program.
***New Award: The Thomas R. Waters MSD Memorial Scholarship Award is given for work that significantly advances the science underpinning physical manipulation of people and materials research. The criteria are intentionally broad to enable scientific understanding about the how the human system’s (both physical and/or cognitive) interaction with physical manipulation tasks could influence the risk to the human musculoskeletal system. This award includes a monetary prize of US $3,000.
~ The IEA K.U. Smith Student Award honors deserving students responsible for contributions to human factors/ergonomics. Any student enrolled in an accredited post-secondary institution worldwide is eligible. Awards will be presented during the IEA 2024 Triennial Congress on Jeju Island, South Korea. The Award winners each will receive a monetary prize of US $3,000. A travel stipend may also be awarded.
~ IEA/Elsevier John Wilson Award recognizes major contributions in the field of applied ergonomics – scientific contributions to the actual design of work, systems, technologies, and environment that lead to improvements in system performance and well-being. Nominations must come from IEA Member Societies (see iea.cc). Nominations are due Jan. 15, 2024.
The award will be presented to an individual or team during the 2024 IEA Triennial Congress on Jeju Island, South Korea, August 25-29, 2024. This award includes a monetary prize of US $5,000, which is sponsored by Elsevier. http://www.elsevier.com.
More information can be found at https://m4v211.p3cdn1.secureserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/IEA_Elsevier-John-Wilson-Award.pdf
~ The IEA Distinguished Service Award is presented triennially to individuals for outstanding contributions to the promotion, development and advancement of the IEA.
~ IEA Triennial Outstanding Educators Award is presented triennially to persons in recognition of outstanding contributions in the area of human factors/ergonomics education for having:
- Developed ergonomics education programs
- Produced new methodology and/or materials for teaching ergonomics
- Graduated persons who have become outstanding ergonomists.
~ IEA Award for Promotion of Ergonomics in Developing Countries is given triennially to an individual(s) who has made significant and outstanding contributions to the development of infrastructure of human factors/ergonomics in an industrially developing country. This may be manifested through development of teaching/training programs, implementation of HF/E design in industry, development of R&D programs, organization of HF/E professionals, or extensive collaboration with international bodies such as United Nations.
~ IEA Triennial Ergonomics Development Award is presented triennially to an individual(s) who has had an international impact on human factors/ergonomics in terms of making a contribution or development that:
- Significantly advances the state of the art of an existing HF/E sub-specialty
- Opens up a new area of HF/E research and/or application.
~ IEA Human Factors/Ergonomics Prize is presented to a group, institution or organization that has made significant contributions to research and development, and/or application of knowledge generally in the field of human factors/ergonomics.
~ The IEA President’s Award is presented triennially to persons who have made outstanding contributions to human factors/ergonomics or the furthering of human factors/ergonomics, and whose contribution does not clearly fall into one of the other award categories. Persons qualifying for this award do not necessarily have to be ergonomists. Nominations may come from the IEA Council or the IEA Executive Committee. Final approval of this award rests with the IEA President.