The Foundation for Professional Ergonomics (FPE) is pleased to announce the availability of the FPE Impact Grants that aim to support small projects in the quest to develop professional ergonomics around the world. The funding preference will be given, but not limited to, applicants from developing countries (as defined by the United Nations) or proposals that help develop or grow professional ergonomics in developing countries
The FPE Impact Grants are intended as seed funding for small (pilot) projects that could potentially lead to more extensive funding opportunities from other sources in the future. The expected budget of a single proposal should be between $500 and $2,000 USD.
The deadline for submission is April 30, 2025, with the awards decision announced by August 15, 2025.
The general format for proposals is given here: https://www.ergofoundation.org/images/FPE_Impact_Grant_template_application-_2025-2026.pdf
Proposals should be sent to: Waldemar Karwowski, [email protected] with a copy to Harvey Cohen, [email protected]