In recognition of the 2020 WHO World Patient Safety Day, which was celebrated on September 17, IEA issued a call for case studies on human factors/ergonomics Principles illustrating the impact of HF/E in patient safety.
In response to the call, we received several examples from around the world. These HF/E case practices support the objectives of the World Patient Safety Day by: raising global awareness on the importance of health worker safety and its interlinkages with patient safety; enhancing global understanding of patient safety; increasing public engagement in the safety of health care; and promoting global actions to enhance patient safety and reduce patient harm. These case studies represent various stakeholders (e.g., rural settings; low/medium income countries), showing the impact of HF/E on patient safety and illustrate the needed investment in the safety of health workers as a priority for patient safety.
COVID-19 has exerted unprecedented pressure on health systems worldwide. Health systems can only function with healthy workers, and a knowledgeable, skilled and motivated health workforce is critical for the provision of safe care to patients. Attention to HF/E from both a micro- (individual workers) and macro- (organization and environment) perspective is essential to support and protect health care workers and to ensure patient safety.
India – Lean ergonomics in emergency care
Mexico – Service design and patient safety
Mexico – Patient safety culture in nursing staff
United Kingdom- Pre-hospital stroke care
See this video from IEA President Kathleen Mosier: