Ergonomics in Manufacturing


Richard Gardner, P.E., CPE, Chair
Technical Fellow
Human Factors & Ergonomics
Advanced Production Systems
Boeing Research & Technology
Phone: +1 425 876 9011Email: [email protected]
Kimberly Monroe, Ph.D., Co-Chair
Principal Ergonomist
KM Ergonomics, LLC
Email: [email protected]
Jim Potvin, Ph.D., Co-Chair
Potvin Biomechanics, Inc.
Email: [email protected]

If you Wish to Become A Member

Please Click On This Link


The Ergonomics in Manufacturing Technical Committee (TC) fosters engagement within and across industry domains to shape research agendas with academia while promoting practical, effective and viable approaches for assessing and mitigating risk factors that contribute to repetitive stress injuries and inefficiencies in production systems.


• Connect and promote collaboration between practitioners and researchers from IEA constituent organizations, consortia, standards committees and social networking platforms
• Promote research-to-practice by aligning industry needs with basic scientific study
• Encourage and enable networking between and within manufacturing sectors and other technical committees
• Promote knowledge exchange of ergonomics risk assessment and mitigation/solution best practices for safe and efficient manufacturing design and operations
• Manage an effective process model for defining, planning and delivering a high quality and relevant conference track at IEA Triennial Congresses
• Coordinate off-year activities that complement and support Triennial Congresses



The Ergonomics in Manufacturing TC consists of the above co-chairs and members. The co-chairs will meet virtually at least once a year for planning and the full committee will meet every 3 years during the IEA conference.

New members are welcome and can join this TC if they have an interest in Ergonomics in Manufacturing and are a member of an IEA affiliated National Ergonomics society. Please join the IEA Ergonomics in Manufacturing group on LinkedIn.

The TC is currently being reorganized and is working to create the following sub-teams to meet the above stated objectives.

Sub-teams under consideration:
• Technology needs and capability gaps
• Industry sectors
• Research-to-practice
• Conference committee


Action Plan

• Establish connections with constituent organizations (2019)
• Create LinkedIn user group (2019)
• Virtual meeting of co-chairs (2019)
• Solicit input from Linked In user group on sub-team development (2019)
• Deliver Ergonomics in Manufacturing parallel session track at the 2021 IEA Triennial Congress in Vancouver, BC Canada


EN 1005-2:2003+A1 2008: Safety of machinery. Human physical performance. Manual handling of machinery and component parts of machinery
ANSI Technical Report for Machines B11.TR1-2016: Ergonomic Guidelines for Design, Installation, and UseISO/TC 159 Ergonomics