Human Factors in Robotics


Dr. Sascha Wischniewski, Chair
Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
Head of Unit “Human Factors, Ergonomics”
Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25
44149 Dortmund
Email: [email protected]

Contact Dr. Sascha Wischniewski or Patricia Rosen ([email protected]) for more information or to join this Technical Committee.

If you Wish to Become A Member

Please Click On This Link


Major technological improvements allow nowadays increasingly closer interaction of humans and robotic systems. This ranges from light weight to heavy as well as manufacturing to service and mobile to fixed robots. To enable a human-centred design of these innovative systems the human factors domain in all its areas of specialization like physical, cognitive and organizational ergonomics is essential.


The TC HFiR aims at being a focal point to discuss and share the latest developments and up-to-date information on this topic in science and practice. The aims are linking activities of IEA federated national societies as well as fostering the exchange with other institutions like IEEE, HFES or ISO. Furthermore we would like to conduct regular short surveys among the TC members on the latest developments and challenges on “Human Factors in Robotics” and publish the results on a regular basis.

Action Plan

– Promote the new TC, recruit interested experts, structure the collaboration (e. g. social media group, email distribution list etc.)
– Conduct regular short surveys among TC members on the latest developments and challenges on “Human Factors in Robotics”
– Support the IEA Triennial Congress through the delivery of a “Human Factors in Robotics” track


IEA TC HFiR I-2022


The new Linkedin Group of the TC can be accessed at: