Österreichische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Ergonomie (ÖAE)
Georg EFFENBERGER (President)
Adalbert-Stifter-Strasse 65
A-1200 Wien
Tel.: 0043 5 93 93 20700
[email protected]
Michael WICHTL (Managing Director)
Adalbert-Stifter-Strasse 65
A-1200 Wien
0043 5 93 93 21709
[email protected]
Tanja EHRENTRAUT (Secretary)
Adalbert-Stifter-Strasse 65
A-1200 Wien
Tel.: 0043 5 93 93 20701
[email protected]
Recent Activities
Austrian Ergonomics Society was established in 1973 at the Technical University of Vienna and re-established in 2012 hosted and located at Austrians Workers Compensation Board (AUVA). AES is organised as a society according to Austrian law.
At the moment ÖAE has 55 members with personal membership but also with the possibility for a membership of organisations and a supporting membership. The majority of the 55 Members are practitioners and therefore the main aim of ÖAE is to bring the results of scientific studies in the field of ergonomics to practical use by the mean of education and training.
In this way we are running at least two ergonomic symposia each year and also several workshops to specific topics (e.g. work with display units and eye strain).
In addition, excursions to interesting plants, office buildings and organisations are operated to bridge between science and praxis.
Last but not least a specific project was established in the last two years (ERGO IST). The goal was to get a precise overview over the situation of academic courses in the field of ergonomics in Austria and to compare it with the CREE requirements for certification of Euro Ergonomists. The planed aim in this way is to enable Austrian Ergonomists to get and to facilitate access to the CREE Certification of Euro Ergonomists.
After all, it should be mentioned that ÖAE is also member of FEES and in this way collaborates with surrounding European Societies such as GfA, but also Swiss Ergo and MET. Contacts with the Croatian Society are in the status of planning.
At present:
President (elected): DI Georg Effenberger
Secretary General: DI Michael Wichtl