During the recent meeting of the IEA Council, held virtually on 11 and 12 June 2021, new IEA officers were elected for the coming three years:
- José Orlando Gomes, President, Associaçäo Brasileira de Ergonomia (ABERGO)
- Maggie Graf, Vice President and Secretary General, Swiss Ergonomics Association (SwissErgo)
- Thomas Alexander, Vice President and Treasurer, Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V. (GfA)
All three are moving into the officer positions from other key roles in IEA. José Orlando Gomes has just completed two three-year terms as IEA Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer. All three have served on the IEA Executive Committee in the most recent term. Thomas Alexander served as chair of the Science, Technology, and Practice Committee, and Maggie Graf served as the Swiss director (a role she will continue into the coming term) and chair of the Certification Subcommittee of the Professional Standards and Education Committee.