Date:Aug 2015
This is the first of newsletters from the 19th IEA Executive. It is a great privilege and honor to serve this group. New officers elected at the Council meeting in Melbourne (August 8th 2015) are:
President, Yushi Fujita (Japan)
Vice President and Secretary General, Kathleen L. Mosier (USA)
Vice President and Treasurer, Jose Orlando Gomes (Brazil)
It was fortunate that we were able to organize a most capable Executive Committee very quickly. The appointed standing committee chairs and ex-officio executives are:
Awards Standing Committee Chair, Eric Min-yang Wang (Taiwan) – Past President
Communications and Public Relations Standing Committee Chair, Michelle M. Robertson (USA)
Development and Promotion Standing Committee Chair, Christina Jonsson (Sweden/Nordic)
International Development Standing Committee Chair, Andrew Todd (South Africa)
Professional Standards and Education Standing Committee Chair, Frederick Tey (Singapore)
Science, Technology and Practice Standing Committee Chair, Christopher M. Schlick (Germany)
IEA2018 Congress Chair, Sara Albolino (Italy)
Historian, Ernst A.P. Koningsveld (Netherlands)
The three elected officers, appointed standing committee chairs, and ex-officio executives constitute the IEA Executive Committee (EC).
We recognize that there have been growing interests in human factors and ergonomics, especially in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. For the past few years a few have joined the IEA family from these regions; Malaysia, Peru, and Venezuela. It is expected that more will be joining in coming years.
We also recognize an urgent need for changing ourselves such than we better meet rapidly changing social demands. We already have clear strategies, as documented in “Future of Ergonomics.” It is the time to implement the strategies quickly.
We are excited to serve the IEA in this very important moment in the history of the IEA. We will continue posting news on our activities.
Yushi Fujita, President