Decent work for all, a goal shared by ILO and the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), cannot be achieved unless human factors/ergonomics (HFE) principles and a HFE systems approach are incorporated in the design of work systems. However, despite the acknowledged importance of HFE in the workplace, most countries and regions lack comprehensive regulations and requirements for HFE design implementation.
The Review report on laws and practice related to human factors/ergonomics and manual handling at the workplace, part of the Occupational Safety and Health Series (75), describes principles, concepts, and approaches critical to HFE and manual handling in the workplace and reviews HFE-related legislation, standards, and guidance documents from selected countries and regions across the globe as well as from ILO.
A primary goal of the review report is to provide technical background for the preparation of ILO’s normative work on workplace HFE and manual handling. The review is also intended to serve as a resource for countries, regions, and organizations on HFE elements to be considered in the regulation and guidance of HFE and manual handling in the workplace. The document can be downloaded HERE.