Using STAMP-STPA in a real case of complex manual assembly in aircraft engine manufacturing

Webinar January 25, 2025, 15:00 UTC

Brief summary:

This webinar is the first part of the Webinar Series: Systemic Methods in Complex and Digitalized Manufacturing, showcasing applied and analytical modeling research using FRAM and STAMP-STPA. The webinar is presented by members of the IEA Resilience Engineering Committee. The series focuses on applications in complex and digitalized manufacturing environments, including scenarios with complex manual work, digital gloves, smart glasses, and cobots.

In particular, the intervention explores how methods like AcciMap and STAMP can enhance quality and safety strategies by considering the entire sociotechnical ecosystem. Drawing from a year-long project in an aerospace manufacturing facility, where the team engaged closely with multiple stakeholders at various organizational levels, we demonstrate the value of these methodologies in providing a comprehensive understanding of complex systems and identifying control failures. The discussion will encourage broader reflection on how applying these methods can support resilient and efficient practices in modern manufacturing environments. We emphasize their relevance in optimizing processes, reducing errors, and promoting continuous improvement through innovative approaches.

Early results:

Yaniel Torres, Sylvie Nadeau, Kurt Landau. 2022 Applying AcciMap and STAMP to the analysis of human error in complex manual assembly. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries vol. 32, nº 6. p. 462-481

Webinars Chair: Sylvie Nadeau, Eng., Ph.D.

Webinar Presenter: Yaniel Torres, Eng., Ph.D.

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Registration is free to all interested people. The webinar will be recorded and published on YouTube. Registration permits live interaction with the presenters via Q&A.