On Monday, March 31, the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) asked the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF) to produce guidance for manufacturers new to designing and building ventilators in a context that requires rapid turnaround .
CIEHF turned the document around in 24 hours, and within 48 hours it was edited, designed, sent to the NHS.
The society has formed an expert panel to provide advice to industry and manufacturers, which will collate usability data/research and protocols that can be shared with manufacturers of ventilators. The aim is to help them reduce the turnaround times of a well-designed product and to save lives by reducing human errors.
CIEHF welcomes contacts from any members of IEA societies who have specific expertise and knowledge connected to the design, testing, and usability of ventilators. To provide input, contact Dr. Noorzaman Rashid at CIEHF.