

IEA2021 – Re-engage, reconnect, rediscover!

IEA 2021 will be a time to re-engage, to connect with old friends and make new ones, time to discover new opportunities.  It’s time for human contact again, time to travel, …..time to be inspired.  Plans for the hybrid Congress are well on track and we have an incredible lineup of speakers and sessions, which […]

By Aleksandra Gamper | Uncategorized

CIEHF Guide and Webinar: Creating a Safe Workplace

On 10 June 2020 from 15:30 – 1630 GMT, the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors will hold a web-based seminar on the Seven Key Steps to creating a safe workplace during and beyond the current pandemic. Businesses are encouraged to consider the workplace as a whole system so that in mitigating a risk […]

By Aleksandra Gamper | Uncategorized

JES Survey on COVID-19

The Japan Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (JES) has released the results of preliminary survey on COVID-19. The survey has revealed several major areas in which HF/E can contribute to the prevention and mitigation of the COVID-19 problems. Download a summary below: Preliminary Report of the Survey on Educational Institutions’ Responses to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). […]

By Aleksandra Gamper | Uncategorized

President’s Newsletter No. 10

Dear IEA Council Members: The year is flying by quickly since we had our IEA Council meeting in Grahamstown, South Africa. It was great to see so many of the Council Members attend the meeting and support the activities of the Ergonomics Society of South Africa (ESSA) and the Human Factors in Organizational Design and […]

By ieaadmin | Uncategorized