Dear IEA Council Members and Friends:
With the coming season comes excitement and anticipation for change and new
beginnings. Most notably, the upcoming IEA Triennial Congress in Recife is a little
more than four months away. While at IEA2012 we will be together again for our
annual IEA Council meeting where we will elect new officers, select the venue for
the 2018 Triennial Congress, and vote to make the changes in the Rules that
Council directed the Executive to make at our last meeting in South Africa. In the
meantime, here is news from around the world.
IEA 2012
Congress Chair Marcelo Soares and his team have been working hard organizing
the Triennial Congress in Recife from February 12-16. Together with Science
Technology and Practice Chair, Karen Jacobs, the team is organizing an interesting
and informative scientific program. The Congress features 13 internationally
recognized keynote speakers representing a wide range of ergonomics practice and