The final version of “Principles and Guidelines for Human Factors/Ergonomics (HF/E) Design and Management of Work Systems,” a document jointly prepared by IEA and the International Labour Organization, is available for download:
Principles and Guidelines for Human Factors/Ergonomics (HF/E) Management of Work Systems
A draft version of the document is also available in Spanish:
Principios y Directrices de EFH para el Diseño y Gestión de Sistemas de Trabajo v1
In the Special Preface, IEA President Dr. Kathleen L. Mosier writes:
“This draft document was prepared over the past 20 months (August 2018-April 2020) by a dedicated team of expert writers, reviewers, and representatives from the International Ergonomics Association, the International Labour Organization, and other institutions and organizations that recognize the critical need for Human Factors/ Ergonomics principles and guidelines in the design and management of work systems.
“The completed Principles and Guidelines document is intended to serve as a technical basis for the ILO to develop an international labour standard on workplace good practice on human factors/ergonomics. To prepare for this, IEA and ILO representatives agree that the content of Principles and Guidelines for HF/E Design and Management of Work Systems should be disseminated as soon as possible so that the important principles embodied in this document can be promoted and applied by HFE practitioners and feedback and experiences can be received and collected, which will be important for its final publication by the ILO and for the ILO’s standard setting work on workplace human factors/ergonomics. This draft version therefore is pre-published by IEA. We welcome comments from all stakeholders. “