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IEA Announces 2019 Recipients of the IEA/Kingfar Award

The following four people were awarded the 2019 IEA/Kingfar Award: Gilbert J. Huber de Carvalho, P. V. R., Righi, A. W., Huber, G. J., Lemos, C. D. F., Jatoba, A., & Gomes, J. O. (2018). Reflections on work as done (WAD) and work as imagined (WAI) in an emergency response organization: A study on firefighters […]

By Aleksandra Gamper | Archives

Message from the Executive Committee January 2019

Date:Jan 2019 Dear Presidents and Members of the IEA Federated/ Affiliated societies and Networks, We feel very fortunate and honored to work with you all. This year has been very fruitful and full of achievements for our IEA community. Among the other initiatives and projects: 1) The realization of our Triennal Congress IEA2018 with the […]

By ieaadmin | EC Message

Report on IEA Representation and Outreach – Havana, Cuba, November 25– 30, 2018

Date:Dec 2018 A delegation of officers José Orlando Gomes, Kathleen Mosier, and Yushi Fujita conducted the first official IEA visit to Cuba to participate in the XIX CUJAE Engineering & Architecture Congress organized by the Technological University of Havana. Our immediate aim was to support the Cuban Ergonomics Society in their education, research, and industry […]

By ieaadmin | EC Message

Message from the Executive Committee September 2018

Date:Sep 2018 This is the first newsletter from the 20th IEA Executive. It is a great privilege and honor to serve the members of IEA. New officers elected at the Council meeting in Florence (24-25 August, 2018) are: President – Kathleen Mosier (USA) Vice President and Secretary General – Sara Albolino (Italy) Vice President and […]

By ieaadmin | EC Message

Message from the Executive Committee September 2018

Date:Sep 2018 This is the first newsletter from the 20th IEA Executive. It is a great privilege and honor to serve the members of IEA. New officers elected at the Council meeting in Florence (24-25 August, 2018) are: President – Kathleen Mosier (USA) Vice President and Secretary General – Sara Albolino (Italy) Vice President and […]

By ieaadmin | EC Message

IEA Mentorship programme – a call for participation

IEA would like to establish a programme through which 10-20 pairs of people are matched up in reciprocal mentorship relationships. The aim of this is to ensure that the future objectives and activities of the IEA are shaped by a broad range of views, reflecting different cultures and experiences. Our pairs will consist of a senior […]

By ieaadmin | Archives

Public universities in Colombia will have higher education in ergonomics

Public universities in Colombia will have higher education in ergonomics In line with recent IEA policies, the IEA EC, ULAERGO, and IEA Federated Societies have been helping some Latin American universities to introduce higher-education programs for human factors and ergonomics (HFE). Ongoing efforts include the development of master’s course for a public universities in Panama, […]

By ieaadmin | Archives

David Caple receives 2018 Queen’s Birthday Honour for ergonomics work

Former IEA President David Caple brought international attention to ergonomics when he was appointed ‘Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia.’ The citation reads: ” For significant service to community health through workplace health and safety reforms and ergonomic policy development.” Congratulations!