
All Federated Society Events IEA Webinars IEA Endorsed Events Archive

4th Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design + Humanizing Work and Work Environment (HWWE) + BRICSplus HFE Conference


The Indian Society of Ergonomics (ISE) will be organizing its annual conference HWWE 2023 in December 2023, in Mumbai, India. This will be held in conjunction with the 4th Triennial conference of the Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design (ACED), and the BRICSplus HFE conference 2023. The host organisation is the National Institute of Industrial […]

Mumbai, India

XII International Congress of Ergonomics and Human Factors SOCHERGO-UVM and VIII Congress of the Latin American Union of Ergonomics ULAERGO


The Chilean Ergonomics Society (SOCHERGO) will be celebrating 25 years of life and 50 years of ergonomics management. As part of the celebration, this congress will be held together with the IEA Council Meeting at Santiago, Chile, and in conjunction with the IEA network for Latin America ULAERGO. A video in English welcoming you to […]

Santiago, Chile

CIEHF Ergonomics & Human Factors 2023 Conference


CIEHF’s Ergonomics & Human Factors 2023 Conference takes place 25-26 April 2023 in Kenilworth, UK. The packed programme of talks covers areas important to everyone: healthcare, transport & mobility, technology & automation and working life. Human factors topics include incident investigation, system design, human behaviour and tools & techniques, among many others. Completing the line-up […]

At 12:00 am
Kenilworth, United Kingdom

Context Sensitive Health Informatics (CSHI) 2023


Context Sensitive Health Informatics (CSHI) 2023 is the pre-conference to MedInfo2023, the world congress on medical and health informatics. CSHI focuses on Human and Socio-technical approaches to health technology and healthcare delivery, and so attracts a large number of human factors and organisational researchers, those who work at the intersection of technology, humans and health […]

University of Sydney, NSW, Australia

Titans of HFE Symposium from Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of USA


This is a unique and exciting opportunity to learn from the leaders of Human Factors and Ergonomics in the USA. You can listen to their presentations, ask your questions directly to the “Titans” (giants)  during an extended discussion session, and network with them to get a more direct dialogue. The Virtual Titans of HFE Symposium […]


9th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Future Applications (IHIET-AI 2023)


IHIET-AI International Conference will be attended by researchers from 28 countries! ——————————————————————————————————————— Abstract Submissions Extended Deadline (500 words): 1 February 2023 [11:00pm PST] Submission System: (New Users? Sign up): ———————————————————————————————————————                                                           The conference aims to provide a global […]

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerlan

Perspectives on the future of work from South East Asia


Webinar Series THE FUTURE OF WORK AND HFE FROM AROUND THE WORLD The goal of this on-line webinar series is to bring you perspectives on the envisaged challenges arising from the Future of Work for HFE from around the World. This is the third on-line webinar in this series. In this webinar we will look […]

At 11:00 am