Webinar on Affective Design Research Directions
Date and time: November 27, 2021, 6:30 p.m. Manila time (10:30 GMT) Organized by the IEA Technical Committee on Affective Design Presentations: Introduction to Kawaii Engineering – Professor Michiko Ohkura, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan AI and Affective Interface Design – Dr. Anirban Chowdhury, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India Registration […]
XII International Congress of Ergonomics Sochergo – Atacama University – 27-30 October 2021
With the theme “Ergonomics interventions for the transformation of work,” the XII International Ergonomics Conference in Chile, hosted by SOCHERGO (the Chilean Ergonomics Society) is the event that brings together different actors in occupational health from Chile and other Latin American countries. Particularly in this year, the organizers are making the effort to translate simultaneously […]
Ergonomics 2022–9th International Ergonomics Conference, Zagreb, Croatia
“Ergonomics 2022,” the 9th International Ergonomics Conference hosted by the Croatian Ergonomics Society, is a joint project of: Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (FPZ), University of Zagreb; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (FSB), University of Zagreb; Faculty of Textile Technology (TTF), University of Zagreb. Furthermore, the congress is this time endorsed by: […]
International Conference on Slips, Trips, and Falls Sendai 2022
Date: July 22-23, 2022 International Conference on Slips, Trips, and Falls (STF) was first held in Hopkinton, USA (2007). Following successful conferences in Nottingham, UK (2008), Beijing, China (2009), Morgantown, USA (2010), Buxton, UK (2011), Recife, Brazil (2012), Tokyo, Japan (2013), Melbourne, Australia (2015), London, UK (2016), Toronto, Canada (2017), Florence, Italy (2018), Madrid, Spain […]
3rd International Ergonomics Conference Sponsored by SOCCERGO
The Sociedad Cientifica de Ergonomía Ecuatoriana (SOCCERGO) will sponsor the 3rd International Ergonomics Conference December 9 and 10, 2021. For additional information, contact Janeth Fernanda Jiménez Rey, Loja-Ecuador, [email protected], 593 994 566 649.
HWWE 2021 – Humanizing Work and Work Environment
19th International Conference INDIAN SOCIETY OF ERGONOMICS Theme: User Centered Design for Quality Life Ergonomics & Human Factors Fundamentals Production and Productivity Design Applications and Communication Cognitive Processing and Response Recent Trends and Research in Ergonomics Pre-Conference Workshop – 29-30 November 2021 Host: Center for Ergonomics: User centered Design and Occupational Wellbeing Department of Design […]
Annual Meeting of the Indian Society of Ergonomics, HWWE2020
The annual meeting of the Indian Society of Ergonomics HWWE2020 was held in virtual mode from 10th to 12th December 2020, and was hosted by the THEEM College of Engineering, Boisar, Mumbai. http://theemcoe.org/hwwe2020/home.html
International Ergonomics Conference – Ergonomics 2020, Zagreb, Croatia
The 8th International Ergonomics Conference, Ergonomics 2020 will be held December 2-5 in Zagreb, Croatia.