IEA/Springer Publications Frame Agreement
IEA and Springer have entered into a frame agreement to publish and distribute proceedings and other works under the logos of both IEA and Springer. This agreement will provide an opportunity for IEA Federated Societies, Technical Committees, and Networks to publish proceedings, manuscripts, and books. Also provided is access to free, indexed publication of conference […]
Global Maps of HF/E Education Programs
IEA is pleased to introduce global maps of educational programs in human factors/ergonomics around the world. Developed by the Professional Standards and Education Committee, chaired by Max Chang, programs can be viewed in a Google Maps version with all programs or in one of three Google Earth sites, depicting undergraduate, masters, and Ph.D. programs. For […]
IEA 2021 is going hybrid!
IEA2021 will be a hybrid event, comprising both an in-person conference and a virtual conference Plans for the in-person conference are going exceedingly well and we are confident we will deliver a dynamic, enriching and memorable experience. The Congress will comprise 5 days of technical content, including plenary sessions at the start of each day followed […]
World Patient Safety Day 2020: HF/E Case Studies
In recognition of the 2020 WHO World Patient Safety Day, which was celebrated on September 17, IEA issued a call for case studies on human factors/ergonomics Principles illustrating the impact of HF/E in patient safety. In response to the call, we received several examples from around the world. These HF/E case practices support the objectives […]
COVID Good Practices Collected and Invited
You can consult the good practices on COVID-19 collected by the Italian Agency for Healthcare Services (Agenas) from all the Italian healthcare trusts here: and share your good practices by sending them to Sara Albolino, IEA Vice President and Secretary-General, at [email protected] and [email protected]
Call for Proposals: IEA 2021
The 21st Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association Welcome to IEA 2021. The Congress theme, “HFE (Human Factors and Ergonomics) in a connected world/L,ergonomie 4,0”, speaks to the role of emerging G5 technologies. NOW OPEN: Call for Special Sessions, including workshops, panels and other formats: March 31, 2020 – June 26, 2020 IEA 2021 […]
Call for COVID-19 Stories
The IEA, in collaboration with Scientific Association Hospital & Clinical Risk Managers (HCRM), the Italian Ergonomics and Human Factors Society (SIE), and the Italian Agency for Healthcare Services (Agenas) is promoting a call for the collection of stories related to the health emergency following the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic. The “Storytelling COVID-19” project aims to promote the use […]