CIEHF Issues Guidance for Vaccination Programs
Vaccinating a Nation- 10 Human Factors and Ergonomics Principles This guidance aims to support the safe roll-out of COVID-19 vaccination programs. Vaccination programmes include a number of work systems, such as manufacturing, filling, and packaging for distribution, testing, and approval, cold-chain delivery, booking systems for vaccination appointments, local administration of the vaccine, and patient follow-up. […]
Telework Booklet Available in Spanish and Portuguese
The Unión LatinoAmericana de Ergonomía (ULAERGO) has published “Doce consejos de Ergonomía/Factores Humanos (E/FH) para realizar actividades remotas (teletrabajo) o tareas de aprendizaje en casa usando tabletas y teléfonos inteligentes” through IEA Press. Based on “Seven Practical Human Factors and Ergonomics (HF/E) Tips for Teleworking/Home-learning using Tablet/Smartphone Devices,” (English version available here) originally compiled by the Japanese […]
IEA Webinar: Preparedness and Pandemic
IEA will offer a free 90-minute webinar, “Preparedness and Pandemic: The role of human factors and ergonomics in responding to the Covid 19 healthcare emergency” on 4 March 2020 at 1730 UTC. Human factors and ergonomics (HF/E) specialists have supported healthcare organizations in responding to the Covid 19 emergency in many ways. In particular, they have applied […]
IEA/ISQua Collaborative Supplement
IEA is pleased to announce the publication of an ISQua/IEA collaborative supplement of the International Journal for Quality in Health Care, Volume 33, Issue Supplement 1, January 2021. The supplement covers human factors/ergonomics issues and contributions to the challenges of COVID-19 and can be found at
Croatian Ergonomics Society Assists in Earthquake Relief
In the wake of a devastating earthquake that affected Croatia on 29 December 2020, the Executive Croatian Ergonomics Society (CrES) decided to become one of the humanitarian organizations that will collect donations from abroad for areas in Croatia that were affected. Individuals and organizations may assist using information in this document. The CrES Executive Board […]
IEA/Springer Publications Frame Agreement
IEA and Springer have entered into a frame agreement to publish and distribute proceedings and other works under the logos of both IEA and Springer. This agreement will provide an opportunity for IEA Federated Societies, Technical Committees, and Networks to publish proceedings, manuscripts, and books. Also provided is access to free, indexed publication of conference […]
IEA 2021 is going hybrid!
IEA2021 will be a hybrid event, comprising both an in-person conference and a virtual conference Plans for the in-person conference are going exceedingly well and we are confident we will deliver a dynamic, enriching and memorable experience. The Congress will comprise 5 days of technical content, including plenary sessions at the start of each day followed […]