Ergonomics in Design for All (EinDfA)


Researcher and Professor,
Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento di Architettura
EMail: [email protected]
Past Chair
Studio Steffan-Design and Research,
Email: [email protected]

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(for newsletters, see below)

Why a TC on Ergonomics and Design for All?

Human factors or Ergonomics is applied every day to improve the design and functioning of systems (products, services, environments) that people interact with. The IEA, as the official voice of the Ergonomics discipline, should express its views, opinions and expertise regarding this crossing and strategical field of application of ergonomics.
Design for All (called also Universal Design or Inclusive Design) is a transversal design approach that can be applied to communication systems, environments, public services and fast-moving consumer goods, so that each environment/product can be used by as broad a range of population as possible. It tends to identify a person-centred design, not a design for categories of people, that includes also the unexpressed needs of the broadest possible number of people, as well as their expectations, through a participatory process involving final users and decision-makers.
Real people/ users, are very different from each other’s, all of them should be considered and involved since the beginning of the process.
The TC on EinDfA can become the reference point for practitioners and researchers in the fields of ergonomics and design for industry and for users.
The TC will serve the needs of practicing ergonomists who are concerned with user interaction of environments, products, services show the effectiveness of the application of ergonomics knowledge and ergonomics principles to designers and demonstrate the importance and benefits of implementing ergonomics in the design for All process to any stakeholders (such as public institutions, public and private companies and their managers, etc).



1. To promote ergonomics in the process of Design for All (called also Universal Design or Inclusive Design)
– To improve and increase the ergonomics knowledge for application in Design for All
– To promote basic and applied ergonomic research as well as best ergonomic practice within the domain of Design for All

2. To promote global collaboration among members and organizations within the field of Design for All
– To facilitate cross-disciplinary communication among professionals all over the world with an interest in Design for All
– To improve the relationship between ergonomists and other actors involved in Design for All architects and engineers, product designers, interaction designers, marketers, stake holders, real users, firms, etc.


Domains of Interest

The main domains of interest of the TC on EinDfA are:

1. Ergonomic role and contribution for involvement of real users in the design process:
– development of methods/methodologies for incorporating ergonomics in the design process
– implementation of ergonomic knowledge;

2. Ergonomic knowledge on human abilities and design goals:
– human abilities: sensory, physical, cognitive, emotional
– design goals: usability, accessibility, comfort, global and cultural user experiences, etc.

3. Application in all fields of design:
– urban design, transportation, architecture, interior design, product design, graphic design, communication design, ICT, tools, devices, web, computing, signage, etc.


Organizational Structure

The Technical Committee is a peer group of researchers, practitioners and educators without a hierarchical substructure.
Click below to download the list of TC members:

Download PDF



Since 2006: Many events at regional/national/international level (e.g. round tables and Special Sessions within the Italian national Congresses)

February 2012: two talks on “Ergonomics and Design for All” (Tosi, F., Steffan, I.T.) and “Sustainability and accessibility: the Design for All approach” (Steffan, I.T) at the IEA World Congress Recife, Brazil.These papers have been published on Work. A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, n.41, supplement 1/2012, IOS Press, USA and can be accessed at:

August 2015: one special session on “Ergonomics and Design for All” (A. Kong, J. Long, A. Petersen, I. Steffan, F. Tosi) and one talk on “Innovation and creativity in Design for All” (I.Steffan) were held at the 19th IEA World Congress Melbourne, AustraliaThese papers can be accessed at; and



Steffan I.T., Klenovec M.A. (2019). “EU Standardization. Mandate 420 – Accessibility in the Built Environment following a Design for All Approach”. In S. Bagnara, R. Tartaglia, S. Albolino, T. Alexander, & Y. Fujita (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Congress of International Ergonomics Association – IEA 2018: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (vol 824, 1506–1515), Cham: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-96071-5_154;

Steffan I., Denninghaus M. (2019). Awards as tools to implement inclusion and accessibility in the Built Environment. In: S. Bagnara, R. Tartaglia, S. Albolino, T. Alexander, & Y. Fujita (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Congress of International Ergonomics Association – IEA 2018: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (vol 824, 1516-1523), Cham: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-96071-5_155;

Steffan I., Feigusch G. (2019). Accessibility and Visual Contrast: a proposal for a better evaluation of this physical quantity. In: S. Bagnara, R. Tartaglia, S. Albolino, T. Alexander, & Y. Fujita (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Congress of International Ergonomics Association – IEA 2018: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (vol 824, 1642-1648), Cham: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-96071-5_168.

Caon M., Steffan, I.T., Rinaldi A. Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Technologies for Inclusion, In: IEA 2021 Congress Proceedings, N. L. Black et al., Springer, pp.205–208, ISBN: 978-3-030-74604-9,

Attaianese E., Steffan, I.T., Tosi F. (2021), From Accessibility to Inclusion in People Centered Design. In: IEA 2021 Congress Proceedings, N. L. Black et al. (Eds.): pp. 357–366, Springer, pp. 357-366, ISBN: 978-3-030-74604-9

Feigusch G., Steffan, I.T., Ossberger D. (2021), Good Lighting and Visual Contrast to Improve Accessibility in the Built Environment-A Literature Study. In:

IEA 2021 Congress Proceedings, N. L. Black et al., Springer, pp. 367–375, Springer, pp. 367–375, ISBN: 978-3-030-74604-9

Steffan, I.T., (2020) – edited by – “Covid-19 and beyond it”, Design for All Institute of India Newsletter N.15/2020, New Delhi, India. ISSN 2582-8304 (

European Commission, Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities DG (2010) Standardisation mandate to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI to include “design for all” in relevant standardisation initiatives, M473.

Gheerawo R., Eikhaug O., (2010) “Innovating with people – The business of Inclusive Design” The Norwegian Design Council, Oslo, Norway.

Preiser, Wolfgang (2010) Universal Design handbook McGraw Hill, New York.

Steffan, I.T – edited by – (2014) “Design for All – The project for everyone. Methods, tools, applications. First part”, pp.249, ( Ed. Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna (Rimini)

Steffan, I.T – edited by – (2014) “Design for All – The project for everyone. Methods, tools, applications. Second part”, pp.234, ( Ed. Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna (Rimini)

Steffan, I.T – guest editor -(2014) “Design for All” Newsletter n.10 Vol. 9 del Design for All Institute of India, pp.280, Ed. Shri L.K. Das Former Head Industrial Design Center, Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi (INDIA),

Various authors, (2007) “Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of International Association for Universal Design (IAUD) in Kyoto”, IAUD Tokyo, Japan.


General meeting, 23rd June 2022

Chair Report, Isabella Steffan

20 years of ISOIEC Guide 71, Ken Sagawa

Recording of the meeting



Action Plan

Activities Description Responsible Milestones
Organize parallel sessions/workshops for the IEA World Congress in 2018 – Florence, Italy Planning and review of session proposals Chair and co-chair According to congress specifications 2016-2018
Organize parallel sessions/workshops for the IEA World Congress in 2021 – Vancouver, Canada Planning and review of session proposals Chair and co-chair According to congress specifications 2019-2021
Editing newsletter 3 newsletters per year are planned and send via mail to people interested in this issue Chair Articles/news to be gathered by middle of February, June, October March, July, November



IEA Design for All and Ergonomics Technical Committee ‐ List of members (as of 4 July 2022)

There are currently three active members of the executive of the IEA Design for All and Ergonomics TC (see above).

The following members have given their permission to be listed below


Name Country Affiliation – Role 
ATTAIANESE Erminia, Arch. Eur-Erg

Chair since 23 June 2022

ITALY Member of SIE- Società Italiana di Ergonomia e Fattori Umani

Researcher and Professor,Università degli studi di Napoli federico II, Dipartimento di Architettura; LEAS Lab of Applied Ergonomics

STEFFAN Isabella Tiziana

Arch. Eur-Erg

IEA TC EinDfA Chair 2016-2022

ITALY Member of SIE- Società Italiana di Ergonomia e Fattori Umani

President of NAB, the Eur-Erg National Assessment Board, Italy 2018-ongoing

Member of Scientific Committee IEA 2021

Chair of IEA TC EinDfA 2016-2022

personal affiliation: Studio Steffan-Design and Research, Milano

Name Country Affiliation– Role
ALFONSETTI Federico, Dr. Arch. ITALY EasyReading Multimedia Srl

roles: chair

BAGNATO Emma, Dr.ssa ITALY Member of SIE- Società Italiana di Ergonomia e Fattori Umani
BAPTISTA JACINTO Rita, Arch. Dr. PORTUGAL Lisbon City Council

Roles: Programme Manager, Ergonomist, at the Pedestrian Accessibility Plan

BELL Alison, Dr. (Certified Professional Ergonomist) AUSTRALIA HFESA: Human Factors & Ergonomics Association of Australia

roles: HFESA rep on the Australian Occupational Health & Safety Education Accreditation Board

personal affiliation: University of Wollongong

BIGAZZI Riccardo, Dr. ITALY Member of SIE- Società Italiana di Ergonomia e Fattori Umani
BOON, Mei-Ying AUSTRALIA personal affiliations:  Associate Professor at the University of Canberra
BOWMAN Richard AUSTRALIA HFESA – Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia – Member

IEA STF Committee – Chair

Intertile Research Pty Ltd

BRADTMILLER Bruce Dr. USA Anthrotech, Inc.

role: Senior Consulting Scientist

BRINGOLF Jane, Dr AUSTRALIA Chair, Centre for Universal Design Australia


Other affiliations:

Member AAATE (Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology Europe)

Member Association of Consultants in Access, Australia

Member ARATA (Australian Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Association)

Member ANUHD (Australian Network for Universal Housing Design)

BRISCHETTO Alessia, Dott.ssa ITALY Member of SIE- Società Italiana di Ergonomia e Fattori Umani

Laboratory of Ergonomics and Design (LED), Department of Architecture (DIDA), Firenze

CAON Maurizio,  Prof. Dr. SWITZERLAND University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland
CASUCCI Marco, PhD ITALY Member of SIE- Società Italiana di Ergonomia e Fattori Umani

OPL – Ordine degli Psicologi della Lombardia, n. 15773

Whirlpool Corporation – Sr. User Experience Designer

DION Betty CANADA Founder and Past President, The Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments.

President, Betty Dion Enterprises Ltd.

DUFFETT  Alan, Mr. AUSTRALIA Senior Ergonomist

Improvement Programs & Specialist Services , WorkSafe Victoria

DUGUÉ Bernard, Dr. FRANCE Member of SELF- Société d’Ergonomie de Langue Française

President of CREE- Centre for Registration of European Ergonomist

Researcher and Professor in ergonomics, Bordeaux-INP

EDWIN Marion NEW ZEALAND Director/Principal Ergonomist, Optimise Limited (ergonomics consultancy)

Current Chairperson, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of New Zealand

FEIGUSCH Gregorio, Ing. ITALY Member of SIE- Società Italiana di Ergonomia e Fattori Umani

personal affiliation: SEL Consulting S.r.l.

FROHM Jorgen, Dr. SWEDEN EHSS – Ergonomi och Human Factors Sällskapet Sverige

Member of the Swedish board

personal affiliation: Swedish Transport Administration

FROYEN, Hubert, em. prof. architect BELGIUM Hasselt University, Facult. of Arch.

Guest professor Universal Design

UDWoonlabo. Universal Design Living Lab for Housing & Accommodation

Research Associate

GOMES José Orlando, Dr. BRAZIL Board member of the Brazilian Ergonomics Association

Board member of ULAERGO

Professor of Ergonomics, Cognitive Systems

Engineering, Resilience Engineering, at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

HELLAND Magne, Mr. NORWAY Docent / Optometrist

Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Optometry and Visual Science

HOMEM DE GOUVEIA, Pedro, Arch. PORTUGAL City of Lisbon

roles: division chief, Pedestrian Accessibility Plan

personal affiliation: UIA – Architecture for All WG –National representative

ITOH Nana, Dr.  (Ph.D.) JAPAN Member of JES- Japan Ergonomics Society

Senior researcher at National institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

Human Informatics Research Institute,
Sensory and Perceptual Information Design Research Group

JIMÉNEZ Delfín, Arch. Dr. SPAIN Personal affiliation: EQAR, SL (architectural accessibility consultancy)
LODER Nicholas, B. Arch.

(M. Built Environment)

NSW AUSTRALIA Senior Project Officer

Technical Standards, Operational Policy and Standards

NSW Land and Housing Corporation

personal affiliations: Chair, NSW Branch Committee, Australasian Housing Institute (Affordable Housing)

LONG Jennifer, Dr. AUSTRALIA Past President of HFESA

personal affiliation: Australia Jennifer Long Visual Ergonomics, Katoomba

School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of New South Wales


Suelyn Maria, Arch. and Dr.

BRAZIL personal affiliation: Federal University of technology of Parana – UTFPR
MARINO Sonia, Arch. ITALY Member of SIE- Società Italiana di Ergonomia e Fattori Umani

personal affiliation: Architect, President Integronomia – EIS ergonomics innovation sustainability

MASALI Melchiorre, Prof. Honorary member of SIE- Società Italiana di Ergonomia e Fattori Umani

(retired professor still active in)

Dept. of Life Sciences and System Biology

MORA Cristina Prof. Eng. ITALY Associate Professor at University of Bologna

Beata, Assoc. Prof.



Polish Ergonomics Society (PES) –

Polskie Towarzystwo Ergonomiczne (PTErg)

role: member

personal affiliations: Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Engineering Management

OCCHIPINTI Enrico, Dr. Eur-Erg ITALY Member of SIE- Società Italiana di Ergonomia e Fattori Umani

Professor at School of Occupational Health-University of Milano (IT)- Research Unit EPM (Ergonomics of Posture and Movement)

PENZ Hans-Jürgen,  Arch. /Dr/ etc GERMANY DGUV-Sachgebiet

„Barrierefreie Arbeitsgestaltung“roles: Head of subject areaStatuary Insurance; Company

PETERSEN Andrew Dr. AUSTRALIA HFESA – Human Factor & Ergonomics Society of Australia inc.

personal affiliation: WELL Australia, Queensland

PISTOLESI Mattia, Dr. (Ph.D)


 ITALY  Member of SIE-Società Italiana di Ergonomia e Fattori Umani

Laboratory of Ergonomics and Design (LED), Dept. of Architecture DIDA, Florence

POMPEU Nathália BRAZIL Universidade Federal Fluminense
RINALDI Alessandra, Arch. ITALY Member of SIE- Società Italiana di Ergonomia e Fattori Umani

Professor of Industrial Design at Department of Architecture, University of Florence

ROENNFELDT Angela AUSTRALIA VMCH General Manager Property and Development

ROSSI Emilio, Dr. UK


Lincoln School of Design, College of Arts

University of Lincoln

Senior Lecturer in Product Design


Dr. and Emeritus Researcher of AIST

JAPAN JES- Japan Ergonomics Society

Co-chair of IEA TC EinDfA 2016-2022

(retired professor still active in)

National institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

IEA TC EinDfA Co-chair 2016-2022

SCATAGLINI Sofia BE University of Antwerp, Belgium

Visiting Professor

Co-Chair TC DHM and Simulation (IEA)

Member of Scientific Committee IEA 2021

Member of Belgian Ergonomic Society (BES)

Human Factors Design for Isolation
Researcher and Teacher
– Universitá Torino (Team Masali, Micheletti Cremasco)
– HMKW Berlin (Facolty Psychology)
(PhD TU-Berlin)
SICKLINGER Andreas, Arch. ITALY Università di Bologna

Professor in Industrial Design

SIRGE Triinu, Eur.Erg. ESTONIA Ergoway OÜ  Estonian Ergonomics company, founder and CEO

University of Tartu, PhD student

NPO ErgoEst, Estonian Ergonomics Society, member

Finnish Ergonomics Society, member

SPITERI Joseph, Dr. MALTA Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability (Malta)

roles: (Consultant)

University of Malta, Faculty for the Built

STEWART Tom (Mr) UK Founder System Concepts (

Deputy Chair Council for Work and Health (

Former President CIEHF

TORRENS George Edward, Dr MCSD UK Senior Lecturer in Industrial Design and Assistive Products, School of Design and Creative Arts, Loughborough University
TOSI Francesca, Arch. ITALY Past President of SIE- Società Italiana di Ergonomia e Fattori Umani

Professor of Industrial Design at Department of Architecture, University of Florence

WEBER Harald, Dr.  (PhD) GERMANY Member of the Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (GfA)

Personal Affiliation: Institut für Technologie und Arbeit (ITA) e.V.

WHITNEY Gill, Mrs. UK Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Middlesex University

personal affiliation:

Member of IET – Institution of Engineering and Technology;

Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy ;

Expert of ANEC: The European consumer voice in standardisation;

Member of British Standards Consumer and Public Interest Network
