IEA/ILO Final Guidelines Available
The final version of “Principles and Guidelines for Human Factors/Ergonomics (HF/E) Design and Management of Work Systems,” a document jointly prepared by IEA and the International Labour Organization, is available for download: Principles and Guidelines for Human Factors/Ergonomics (HF/E) Management of Work Systems A draft version of the document is also available in Spanish: […]
New IEA Officers Elected
During the recent meeting of the IEA Council, held virtually on 11 and 12 June 2021, new IEA officers were elected for the coming three years: José Orlando Gomes, President, Associaçäo Brasileira de Ergonomia (ABERGO) Maggie Graf, Vice President and Secretary General, Swiss Ergonomics Association (SwissErgo) Thomas Alexander, Vice […]
IEA Triennial Report 2018-2021
The IEA Triennial Report covers the accomplishments of the most recent term of officers, led by President Kathleen L. Mosier, Ph.D. The report is a comprehensive review of the activities of IEA as they align with the organization’s seven strategic priorities. IEA Triennial Report 2018-2021
IEA Triennial and Annual Awards Announced
It is an important function of the International Ergonomics Association to award formal recognition to members of Federated Societies who have made outstanding contributions to the field of HF/E on an international level. IEA Awards will be presented virtually at the IEA2021 Congress. The Awards Session is on June 18, 2021. IEA is pleased to […]
Hebrew Version of 7 Tips For Home Working Booklet
A Hebrew version is now available of the Japan Human Factors and Ergonomics Society’s (JES) 13-page booklet, “Seven Practical Tips for Teleworking/Home-Learning using Tablet/Smartphone Devices.” The booklet was edited and translated by Joan S. Geiger, University of Haifa, President of the Israeli Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (IHFEA) and Eyal Levi, IHFEA. As explained in […]
Free IEA Webinar: HF/E Considerations for Working from Home
During this webinar the Human Factors/Ergonomics considerations regarding Work From Home (WHF) will be discussed by a panel of international HF/E experts. Their global perspectives and experiences in examining and integrating HF/E principles into safe and healthy practices of remote work will be presented. More information: IEA WFH Webinar
IEA2021 will be all-virtual!
Ian Noy, chair of IEA 2021, has made the following announcement: We have taken the difficult decision to convert the Hybrid Congress to a fully virtual Congress. Due to the ongoing health crisis and widespread travel restrictions, it is now abundantly clear that British Columbia, Canada will not enter Phase 4 before the summer, rendering […]
CIEHF Issues Guidance for Vaccination Programs
Vaccinating a Nation- 10 Human Factors and Ergonomics Principles This guidance aims to support the safe roll-out of COVID-19 vaccination programs. Vaccination programmes include a number of work systems, such as manufacturing, filling, and packaging for distribution, testing, and approval, cold-chain delivery, booking systems for vaccination appointments, local administration of the vaccine, and patient follow-up. […]